Wed, 4/9/25 Ostergarten Stuttgart, Stuttgart

Easter Garden Stuttgart „ERlebt“ - 17:20 guided tour

Ostergarten Stuttgart - ein Erlebnis mit allen Sinnen

The Easter Garden Stuttgart cordially invites visitors to follow in the footsteps of the Easter story. In the authentically designed Easter setting, immerse yourself in the events of 2000 years ago with all your senses. Let yourself be taken on a journey to ancient Jerusalem! Step through the city gates and wander through the Old City like the people of Jesus' time!


Group of 30 kids/students

CHF94.00 (incl. booking fee)

Currently no sale

What does that mean?

For classes and youth groups of up to 30 people. Children (6-17 years) or pupils with school ID and accompanying adults.

Please note: The Easter Garden Stuttgart is not recommended for children under the age of 6.

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Group of 15 kids / students

CHF48.00 (incl. booking fee)

Currently no sale

What does that mean?

For classes and youth groups of up to 15 people. Children (6-17 years) or pupils with school ID and accompanying adults.

Please note: The Easter Garden Stuttgart is not recommended for children under the age of 6.

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Child / student

CHF6.00 (incl. booking fee)

Currently no sale

What does that mean?

Additional ticket for classes and youth groups. 1 child (6-17 years) or pupil with pupil ID.

Please note: The Easter Garden Stuttgart is not recommended for children under 6 years of age.

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Shipping and Payment Information

Wed, 4/9/25
Meeting: 5:05 pm
Start: 5:20 pm

Ostergarten Stuttgart
Masurenstr. 31
DE-70374 Stuttgart

Organized by:
Ostergarten Stuttgart e.V.
Infos und Kontakt

Easter Garden Stuttgart „ERlebt“ - 17:20 guided tour

Easter Garden Stuttgart - an experience with all the senses

Easter is more than just coloring eggs, looking for nests and chasing after the Easter bunny. Easter is an integral part of our Western Christian culture. But what is actually behind these holidays? What was it like over 2000 years ago?  
On your tour through the Easter Garden Stuttgart, you can experience the biblical Easter story up close in three fascinating ways: Interactive drama event You will be surrounded by actors, dancers and extras who will interactively involve you in the Easter story: Taste dates in the marketplace, get up close and personal with donkeys... It's a performance for all the senses..

The guided tours on the Easter holidays from 17.04. - 21.04.2025 will be available from spring 2025 (no ticket sales on Good Friday, 18.04.2025)

Further information about the event

Organized by
Ostergarten Stuttgart e.V.

Mit elf christlichen Gemeinden und Institutionen und sechs Einzel­personen als Gründungsmitgliedern setzen wir ein starkes Zeichen – Christen aus verschiedenen Gemeinde und Konfessionen verfolgen eine gemeinsame Vision: Wir möchten die frei machende Botschaft der Ostergeschichte für die Menschen in Stuttgart und der Region erlebbar und neu zugänglich machen. Eine Initiative aus Gemeinsam für Stuttgart (früher Evangelische Allianz Stuttgart) gründete dazu am 3. Juli 2020 den Verein Ostergarten Stuttgart e.V.


The event is organized by "Ostergarten Stuttgart e.V." and is the legal contact. The organizer is responsible for this page and its content.