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So., 02.06.24 Calvary Chapel Herborn e.V., Herborn

Rend Collective

10th Anniversary CAMPFIRE TOUR

Rend Collective ist auf der 10th Anniversary CAMPFIRE TOUR.


Stehplatz - freie Platzplaz

39,00 CHF (inkl. VVK-Gebühren)

Aktuell nicht verfügbar

Was bedeutet das?

Stehplatz - freie Platzplaz (ermäßigt)

29,00 CHF (inkl. VVK-Gebühren)

Aktuell nicht verfügbar

Was bedeutet das?

Gilt für Schüler (ab 12 Jahren), Studenten, Auszubildende, Personen mit Behinderungen (Begleitperson inkl.)

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Informationen zu Versand und Zahlung

So., 02.06.24
Einlass: 18:30 Uhr
Beginn: 19:00 Uhr
Ende: 20:30 Uhr

Calvary Chapel Herborn e.V.
Hohe Straße 700 (Gebäude 9)
DE-35745 Herborn

Veranstaltet von:
Calvary Chapel Herborn e.V.
Infos und Kontakt

Rend Collective

Inmitten von so viel Schwere, die die Ereignisse der heutigen Welt verschlingt, teilt Rend Collective gute Nachrichten als Antwort auf diese Zerrissenheit. Die aus Irland stammende Band "Rend Collective" kehrt mit seinem sechsten Studioalbum Good News, zu seinem ursprünglichen, einzigartigen Sound zurück, der im irischen Bangor entstanden ist. Und jetzt sind sie mit ihrer Jubiläums CAMPFIRE TOUR zu Gast in Herborn.

Sei dabei und erleben diesen Abend gemeinsam mit uns.

Es gibt Parkplätze direkt am Gebäude aber auch in der direkten Umgebung, der Fußweg zur Veranstaltung sollte maximal 15 Minuten betragen.
Die Veranstaltung ist ab 12 Jahre.

Rend Collective

Rend Collective is an eclectic collective of multi-instrumentalists from the North of Ireland. An inherent desire for something spiritually substantive in our increasingly artificial world is exactly what brought the movement of friends together. United by a common purpose, these twenty-somethings began exploring the intersection between God, life and community.
“The Rend Collective Experiment came together as a few friends started to pray and seek God. We wanted an authentic outworking of our faith and felt that we would just step out into the unknown and see what happened,” Gareth shares. “Before we knew it, people just started gathering around us and we had more than 100 people involved, musicians and artists, bank workers and teachers, and together we tried to figure out our faith.”
After many years in Ireland, the band felt the call to step out again into the unknown as the core 5 of the collective felt they were being called to reach more people. They have now grown into an international success with major tours with Chris Tomlin, MercyMe, Tenth Avenue North and Lecrae under their belts. Their heart is to bring not only a fresh approach to congregational worship, but also a heart and message through the spoken word. Their partnerships and tours with church leaders like Francis Chan, Louie Giglio and Shane Claiborne certainly shows this.
Concerning the band itself Gareth comments,”We are a collective of people like a family and not just a band. We want our music to be what we call Organic worship, an honest and natural connection with God, something which is authentic and not artificial. We want to create an environment for people to have genuine encounters with Him and to find themselves singing to Him in ways that they find real”

Veranstaltet von
Calvary Chapel Herborn e.V.

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