The event is in the past.

Fri, 5/17/19 - Sat, 5/18/19 Sporthalle Hamburg, Hamburg


Die Fackel weitergeben

Fire 19 is a conference for Christians who yearn for a new passion and to be filled with the Holy Spirit in a new way. Several internationally-known speakers, including Reinhard Bonnke and Daniel Kolenda, will be preaching and praying for the attendees.



CHF59.00 (incl. booking fee)

Seating – free choice

After purchase, you will receive a confirmation by mail. The entry wristbands and HVV public transport tickets will only be sent 3 weeks before the Fire19 event, to the delivery address supplied.

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CHF47.00 (incl. booking fee)

Teenagers 13-17 years of age and students (only valid with valid student ID)
Seating – free choice

After purchase, you will receive a confirmation by mail. The entry wristbands and HVV public transport tickets will only be sent 3 weeks before the Fire19 event, to the delivery address supplied.

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Children (6-12 years of age)

CHF18.00 (incl. booking fee)

Price for first child: € 15
Price for every further child: € 5 per child

Seating – free choice

After purchase, you will receive a confirmation by mail. The entry wristbands and HVV public transport tickets will only be sent 3 weeks before the Fire19 event, to the delivery address supplied.

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Children (0-5 years of age)


After purchase, you will receive a confirmation by mail. The entry wristbands and HVV public transport tickets will only be sent 3 weeks before the Fire19 event, to the delivery address supplied.

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Shipping and Payment Information

Fri, 5/17/19
Entry: 6:00 pm
Start: 7:30 pm
End: Sat, 5/18/19 , 10:00 pm

Sporthalle Hamburg
Krochmannstraße 55
DE-22297 Hamburg

Christus für alle Nationen e.V.
Orber Strasse 67
DE-60386 Frankfurt



What's it about?

How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?

Romans 10:14

At 11 years of age, I experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and was baptized in water a few weeks later in Hamburg-Barmbek. A life in God’s power began. We’ve seen entire populations impacted by the Gospel and millions of people coming to Jesus. Now I’m 79 years old and want to give this burning torch to the next generation. That’s why I’ll be in Hamburg in May 2019. Come! The Lord will do great things!
Reinhard Bonnke


17 MAY 2019

Session 1: Speaker19:30

18 MAY 2019

Session 2: Speaker8:30
Session 3: Speaker
with Kids Festival (6-12 years)
Session 4: Speaker13:00
Session 5: Speaker
with Kids Festival (6-12 years)
Session 6: Speaker
Childcare for children (6-12 years)

There are 600 parking places available at the venue. Parking places are accessed from the entrance to 1 Braamkamp. We recommend public transport as the most relaxed way to arrive. When purchasing an entry ticket for the event, the HVV Ticket for public transport in Hamburg is already included in the price.

Plan your route with the HVV here: HVV public transport

“Telling to the generation to come the praises of the LORD, and His strength and His wonderful works that He has done.” Psalm 78:4

The “Kids Festival” with Tobias Stosch and a selected team of co-workers, is a Children’s Conference, specially aimed at children from 6 – 12 years of age.

The fire of the Holy Spirit will also be ignited in the hearts of children. The “Kids Festival” is an event that includes play, fun, interesting workshops, creative prayer, heavenly worship, illustrated teaching and explosive messages.

Food and beverages will be available for purchase in the hall.

The rooms are accessible for people with physical disabilities.

We are unable to help with finding hotels or other accommodation, or with any visa applications.

Reinhard Bonnke

Reinhard Bonnke is the founder of the ministry ‘Christ for all Nations’. He is a man who has changed the face of Africa. With over 400 Great Gospel Campaigns and countless smaller events, he has influenced Christendom in Africa like no other. The CfaN campaigns grew dynamically over time, and can now only be held as huge open air events. Through the ministry of CfaN up until now, a total of over 78 million people have been led to a living faith in Jesus Christ.

Daniel Kolenda

Daniel Kolenda is a missionary evangelist, pastor, author, and teacher, who has led tens of millions of people to Christ face-to-face through massive open-air evangelistic campaigns in some of the most dangerous, difficult, and remote locations on earth.
As the successor to world-renowned Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, Daniel is the President and CEO of Christ for All Nations – a ministry which has conducted some of the largest evangelistic events in history, has published over 190 million books in 104 languages, and has 14 offices in 12 countries on 6 continents. He has hosted 2 internationally syndicated television programs (one daily and one weekly) and has authored 8 books including the bestsellers, LIVE Before You Die, and Slaying Dragons.
In addition to the international work, Daniel is also the Lead Pastor of a thriving local congregation in Orlando, Florida called Nations Church. He is the founder of the CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp also located in Orlando. These institutions and others, are part of an overarching mandate to “multiply laborers for the sake of the harvest.” The emphasis on multiplication has already resulted in hundreds of ministers launched and ministries birthed, which have collectively documented millions of decisions for Christ in the last few years.
Daniel is a graduate of Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida and the Brownsville Revival School of Ministry in Pensacola. Daniel and his family reside in the Orlando area.

Todd White

Todd White is likewise a well-known international speaker. He was a drug addict and an atheist before he was set free from his addictions by Jesus Christ. It is his goal to encourage people grow in their own unique personalities and to demonstrate that the Spirit of God wants to work actively in every Christian, allowing them to live a Christian lifestyle in every moment and in every place.

Peter Wenz

Peter Wenz has been head pastor of the “Stuttgart Gospel Forum’ since 1984, a swiftly growing charismatic church. Along with his service in the local churches, he also often travels to minister. Amongst other things, he leads a network of different churches and Christian ministries in over 20 countries. His core message is the love and goodness of God, the necessity for an authentic, consistent lifestyle, the social responsibility of Christians in this world, and the importance of unity in the Body of Christ.

Suzette Hattingh

Von 1980 bis 1996 war Suzette Hattingh Mitarbeiterin bei „Christus für alle Nationen“ (CfaN) von Reinhard Bonnke. Dort leitete sie die Fürbitte und spielte eine maßgebliche Rolle bei den Vorbereitungen der weltweiten Großevangelisationen und den Einsätzen im Allgemeinen. Später wurde sie Reinhards Co-Evangelistin.
Ihr Gebetsdienst während Reinhard Bonnkes evangelistischen Einsätzen war oft mit Eins-zu-Eins- und Straßenevangelisationen gepaart und hat Tausende in das Königreich Gottes gebracht. Zahllose Christen wurden durch Suzettes Dienst für Gebet und persönliche Evangelisation begeistert.
Suzettes Arbeit als eigenständige Evangelistin entwickelte sich rasch und sie führte bedeutende Großevangelisationen durch. Am 1. Januar 1997 gründete Suzette Hattingh zusammen mit Gayle Claxton „Voice in the City“, ein internationales, überkonfessionelles Missionswerk. Voice in the City hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Verlorenen und die Menschen mit zerbrochenem Herzen mit dem Evangelium zu erreichen, unabhängig davon, in welcher Lebenssituation sich diese Menschen befinden und welchen Weg sie bisher gegangen sind.
Ein wesentlicher Teil ihres Dienstes ist Heilung, wobei Gott Suzette sehr stark in Zeichen und Wundern gebraucht. Neben weltweiten evangelistischen Einsätzen, bei denen Suzette als Evangelistin dient, hat sie auch den Ruf von Gott empfangen, sich auf einzelne Städte und Gebiete zu konzentrieren, um diese mit dem Evangelium zu erreichen. Unter dem Banner der Dienerschaft wendet sich Suzette mit der gleichen Hingabe sowohl dem Einzelnen als auch den Menschenmassen zu. Obwohl Suzette in erster Linie eine leidenschaftliche Evangelistin ist, besitzt sie auch die Gabe, den Leib Christi durch motivierende Predigten und Lehren aufzubauen und zuzurüsten.
Suzettes Arbeit als Autorin ist eine Quelle der Inspiration für Tausende auf der ganzen Welt, die aus den gesalbten Lehrtexten, gewürzt mit Lebenserfahrungen, Ermutigung, Auferbauung und Hilfestellung für das eigene Leben erfahren dürfen.

HSN Worship

HSN Worship ist eine Gruppe junger Menschen, die die Gegenwart Gottes und das Wirken Seines Geistes liebt und für Erweckung brennt. Erweckung beginnt dann, wenn wir aus einer prägenden, persönlichen Begegnung mit Gott heraus, beginnen unser Umfeld durch die Kraft des Heiligen Geistes zu transformieren. Deshalb liebt die Band es Menschen durch exzellenten und freien Lobpreis in eine authentische und transformierende Begegnung mit dem Heiligen Geist zu führen.